A Chilling New Threat

“While [the government’s] expanding Orwellian eye may improve ‘public safety’ [as it claims], it poses a chilling new threat to civil liberties in a country that already has one of the most oppressive and controlling governments in the world.” –  The Atlantic

Read the full Atlantic article

As this secular magazine reports, the government is tightening the grip on its citizens. As our Asian friends have reported to us, underground churches and schools are most hard hit by this.

Our own work at CEFF has been affected by this increased persecution, and our current fundraising campaign is a result of the government’s recent actions.

The Backdrop – The Long-Term Plan – A Full Curriculum

We are supporting and advising educational leaders in the development of a full Kindergarten – 12th grade curriculum created by Asian Christian educators for Asian Christian educators with the support of generous partners like you.

This endeavor isn’t just about creating a program, it’s about empowering God’s people as they work to run their schools effectively and independently. In short, we plan to EQUIP them to Establish a Quality, Unified, Indigenous, Path forward. We plan to support and empower our brothers and sisters so they can:

ESTABLISH: As these Christians are supported in establishing this solid Biblical curriculum from the ground up. they are empowered to create and realize their own vision for educating the coming generations.

a QUALITY: As these educators are supported in crafting and defining a quality curriculum, they are empowered to more effectively assess and refine curriculum by those standards of quality.

UNIFIED: As they are supported in assembling a unified curriculum, they are empowered to become a unified body of educators, building upon one another’s skills and talents.

INDIGENOUS: As they are supported in creating their own contextualized curriculum, they are empowered to cultivate each other through their own teacher training programs.

PATH FORWARD: As our brethren are supported in taking this path forward in curriculum development, they are empowered to continue on into the future using a self-sustaining model.

The Immediate Need – The First Step – Establish a Foundation

To accomplish this, we organized an advisory board made up of Asian and American educational leaders. Its purpose is to foster development of the EQUIP curriculum. We had been meeting periodically on a secure line to establish the foundational scope and sequence. However, because of increased persecution of Christians, our Asian board members are experiencing very difficult circumstances because of their positions in their churches. In this situation, communicating regularly as a full board has become extremely difficult. However, a closed door can open our eyes to a better way…

Because of security issues, specifics about the solution can’t be shared on our homepage. Click here to access the secure area of our website to learn more.

We need $2,825 more to achieve our $12,500 goal! Your donation with help us to set a solution (as laid out in our secure link) in motion.

Will you partner with us prayerfully and financially as the situation with the schools becomes more and more concerning?

Might God use you to financially support the schools to Establish the Foundation of their curriculum?

You can donate on our website or by mail. Details for both can be found on our ‘Donate’ page.

The need is great. Please act while this window of opportunity is open.

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