Defeating a Goliath Named Evolutionism

Chinese Christian parents and educators stand ready before what seems to be an undefeatable foe. They are small. They have no training to overtake him. In fact, they were carefully trained their entire lives to defend this Goliath, to believe in him. Now they know that their hero is their enemy. Now they know they must fight. Now they pray for wisdom and weapons and training to take this giant on – for the sake of their Master’s Name, for the sake of their children, for the sake of Truth. They have prayed for five smooth stones to help defeat the lie of evolutionism. God is graciously answering their prayers.

Through a series of amazing events, God has made a high-quality, well-respected, Christ-centered science program available for translation, publication, and printing. This is a FULL science program that runs from elementary school through high school, including advanced high school courses.

These courses are designed for educators who have limited lab resources, so it is a perfect fit for the underground schools and homeschools! The US publishers involved have provided this curriculum to the Chinese Christian underground schools for minimum to no profit for themselves

“We need to provide these materials for Chinese Christian schools and homeschoolers now, before the corrosive lies of compromise with evolutionary biology and uniformitarian geology corrupt the Chinese Church the way they have the Church in the West.”

The dedicated volunteers are well into the work of translating and editing the first book of the series. Their plan is for the cost of each book in the series to yield enough profit to translate, edit, print, and distribute the next book in the series until the entire curriculum is finished.

Only one thing is needed to set their self-sustaining plan into motion – funding to print 2000 copies of the first book in the series. The total cost of this endeavor is only $12,000 … a mere $6 per book! A generous donor has already contributed $3,500.  We have just $8,500 to go.

Will you join us in praying for the final amount needed to print
2,000 elementary science textbooks?

Imagine … For a mere $8,500, we have the potential to make an unimaginable impact on the entire underground educational system for many generations! Will you join us in our campaign to raise the remaining $8,500 needed by September 1 to print 2000 copies of the first science book?

Chinese Christian warriors stand on the front lines praying for a quality Christian science curriculum in their language. American and Chinese authors, publishers, and translators are sacrificing to uphold them as they face the Goliath named Evolutionism.

God has provided 5 smooth stones.
Will you help put these stones into our brothers’ and sisters’ hands?

When you make a tax-deductible donation online via PayPal, you join our Chinese brothers and sisters on this battle line, a stronghold of Satan in communist China.


When you help now, you can impact lives in China in ways that we can’t even imagine.
The cost is small. The return is eternal.


“… but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty,
the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defiled.”