I had a conversation last night with a prominent leader of the East Asian underground Christian schools and homeschools. He spoke urgently about strategies they are considering to avoid the communist government’s watchful eye. “The government’s persecution of our schools has greatly increased. We must move forward quickly,” he said.
The schools and homeschools are working hard to attain quality training and curriculum. With your help, we at CEFF are laboring alongside them during this critical time. There is so much that needs to be done.
The friends of CEFF have helped to move the schools forward in several crucial ways this past year:
- We sent a team of homeschool parents to be the key speakers at the first East Asian underground homeschool conference. East Asian Christian homeschoolers were equipped and encouraged by their lectures, workshops, and personal conversations.
- The first books of Christ-centered science curriculum have been translated into Mandarin, printed, and are being distributed. These books are now in the hands of teachers and students in the underground schools!
- Since our mission at CEFF is to provide training as well as curriculum, I took a trip to East Asia to train East Asian underground teachers how to use the new science curriculum. It was an amazing time of learning and fellowship. For more details about the science training, please see my complete May 2018 update in the secure area of this website.
- We have initiated an ambitious long-term plan to cooperate with East Asian underground education leaders to develop a full kindergarten – 12th grade curriculum that has a cohesive scope and sequence and is specifically designed for the East Asian Christian underground schools. This is unique, groundbreaking work that will fashion indigenous teachers with the necessary tools, the confidence, and competence to educate coming generations. Because of the government’s blocking of online sales of Bibles (https://world.wng.org/2018/04/persecuting_the_province) and the growing antagonism toward Christians (https://tinyurl.com/y9fdpmno), we don’t know how long this window of opportunity to provide solid biblical curriculum may remain open. This is why we are working at a fevered rate to provide these things.
When I think about the entire project, I can become overwhelmed. Then I remember that the full science portion of the curriculum has been already provided this past year – by God It is God who has and who will provide.
Psalm 50:10: “For every beast of the forest is mine, the cattle on 1,000 hills.
Trusting in Him,
CEFF board